Call for Papers

The call for papers has been completed.

We would like to inform you that the deadline for receiving the review on your abstracts has been extended to 25/06. This is related to the extension of the abstract submission.

Questions Related to the Conference Theme

Call for papers image


Each abstract should be up to 400 words.

  • Brief individual Papers:
    15 minutes: 10 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion

    This format encourages individual presenters to submit papers that are theoretical, brief empirical reports or that have a focus on practice. Individuals may submit their paper individualy or as part of a panel. If submitted individualy the Scientific Committee will thematically organise all individual papers and arrange them into 60 minutes or 90 minutes sessions to include three or four 20-minute individual papers.

  • Individual Papers:
    45 minutes: A 30 minutes presentation + 15 minutes discussion

    Submission of “long papers” consist of a single paper presentation. Submissions will typically involve a 40 minute presentation and allow a minimum of 20 minutes for discussion with audience participation. Only a limited number of these submissions will be accepted; The Scientific Committee, following a peer review will then offer the presenter(s) the opportunity to adjust and resubmit as a Brief Individual Paper.

  • Panels/Symposium:
    60 minutes: 3 x 15 minutes presentations + 15 minutes discussion
    90 minutes: 4 x 15 minutes presentations + 30 minutes discussion

    A panel/symposium may either be 60 minutes or 90 minutes long, and include either three or four brief individual papers with a moderator who will be responsible for introducing the presenters, managing the time, and facilitating the audience discussion after the presentations have been delivered. The topics of presentation within the symposium should focus on a same thematic area. The scientific committee will give the priority to submissions that include presenters from different research groups or tribes of PCE. Submissions for symposium/pannel discussions should include an abstract presenting an overview of the symposium/pannel discussion, the name of the moderator and an abstract for each of the associate individual papers.

  • Structured Discussion:
    60 minutes: 2-4 x 5 minute statements + 45 minutes discussion
    90 minutes: 2-4 x 5 minute statements + 70 minutes discussion

    A structured discussion provides an opportunity for group discussion among colleagues on a specific topic/theme. A structured discussion may either be 60 minutes or 90 minutes long, and include two to four presenters offering a brief position statement (max. 5 minutes) on the topic/theme to elicit active participation from audience members. These sessions should be structured in a way that encourages and allows audience participation in the discussion for a substantial proportion of the time. The scientific committee might change the proposed length of the session if needed.

  • Experiential Mini Workshop:
    30 minutes
    A mini workshop can be either experiential and focused on any topic related to the conference theme that allows for a significant amount of time for audience participation through experiential exercises or other forms of audience participation such as discussions or practical tasks.
  • Experiential Workshop:
    90 minutes
    A workshop can be either experiential and focused on any topic related to the conference theme that allows for a significant amount of time for audience participation through experiential exercises or other forms of audience participation such as discussions or practical tasks.
  • Poster:
    60 minutes
    There will be an in person poster presentation session within the conference programme. Posters are graphic representations of research studies that include the presentation of the findings of research study that has been carried out by the presenter. Physical poster sizes can be up to A0 (1189mm x 841mm) or A1 (841mm x 594mm) but no smaller than A1 size. The poster should also be posted online in the online poster gallery. Online posters should be a PDF-file with a page size of A4 and pictures no larger than 150 DPI.